SmartBudget is a clever bill paying and budgeting tool that allows you to set your budget for the year ahead. It removes stress by smoothing out your nominated bills for 12 months and helps you achieve your financial goals and aspirations faster.

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How can I view my SmartBudget account online?

You can view your SmartBudget account by simply logging into your SmartBudget portal, available through Queensland Country internet banking or mobile banking app.

On internet banking the SmartBudget portal is available through the top menu bar, or through the side menu bar on the mobile app.

If you don’t have internet banking you can get set up in branch or by calling our friendly contact centre on 1800 075 078.

Prefer to bank on the go? Find out how to download our mobile banking app.

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How can I pay my bills online?

  • Login to your SmartBudget portal, available through Queensland Country internet banking or mobile banking app.
    On internet banking the SmartBudget portal is available through the top menu bar, or through the side menu bar on the mobile app.
  • Select the agreement that you wish to pay the bill from.
  • Click on ‘Pay bill’ and a list of bills due for payment will appear.
  • Find the bill you wish to pay and click ‘Pay’.
  • Check that the payment details are correct.
  • Enter in the amount you wish to pay in ‘Actual amount of this bill’.
  • Double check your details - confirm all your payment details are correct on the confirmation screen.
  • Review the payment details on the Payment Confirmation Popup, and select Pay.
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Can I add new bills throughout my agreement?

Yes, of course. This may mean reshuffling your agreement to suit your new bill so drop into your local branch or call them to talk through all options for you. Note that the restrictions regarding overdrawing your SmartBudget account still apply e.g. generally the account can’t be overdrawn in the first 8 weeks.

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What do I do if I am trying to pay a bill online but the system is telling me that it is not yet due for payment?

Simply contact your local branch and they can adjust your agreement if your bills come through earlier than expected. 

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What happens if the biller details are incorrect?

You can update the customer reference number at any time by clicking on the pen icon to the right of the customer reference number and simply editing the number. If you need to change a biller code, simply contact your local branch and they will be able to help you with this.

You can also send a secure mail via internet banking or the app.

Biller details rarely change however some providers may change the details EVERY time. Always pay particular care when making payments.

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What should I do if I receive an overdue bill or rejected payment notice but I had already paid that bill?

This may mean that there was an error when making the payment for this bill. Chat to your local branch team and they will be able to assist you with the next steps to take.

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What is my nominated service account?

Your nominated service account is a Queensland Country account of your choosing which can be used to top up your SmartBudget Account from within the SmartBudget portal.

This account can also be used for refunds or reimbursements. Take care when nominating your service account as if you nominate a credit card facility, any top ups from this account will be charged as a cash advance. Alternatively, if you choose a Bonus Saver account, any top ups will be treated as a withdrawal and bonus interest is lost.

Find out more about how you can top up your 'Rainy Day'.

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What happens to the extra funds in my SmartBudget account?

At the end of your SmartBudget agreement, any remaining funds left in the account once the agreement completes are refunded to your agreed service account. The extra funds in the account may be from bills that came in lower than expected, unpaid bills or additional funds not needed when topping up your ‘Rainy Day’.

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How can I top up my ‘Rainy Day’?

To top up your ‘Rainy Day’ at any time from your nominated service account:

  • Log into your Queensland Country internet banking and access the SmartBudget portal through the top menu bar.
  • Click ‘Top up Rainy Day’ under your agreement summary
  • Select the account you wish to take the funds from in the drop down menu
  • Enter the amount you wish to add to your rainy day
  • Click ‘Confirm’ and you’re done!

Take care when topping up your ‘Rainy Day’ as any additional funds cannot be refunded until the end of your agreement.

Your local branch team can also assist with topping up your ‘Rainy Day’.

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What do I do if a bill comes in that is higher than the amount I allocated?

If a larger bill comes in you have 3 options to pay this bill:

Option 1

You can use funds available in your ‘Rainy Day’ provided it is sufficient to cover the full amount of the difference between the bill amount and the allocation amount.

Option 2

If you have insufficient funds available in your ‘Rainy Day’ , you can top up your ‘Rainy Day’ before making the payment (find out how to top up your ‘Rainy Day’). 

Option 3

You can pay the allocated amount for that bill through SmartBudget and then make arrangements directly with the biller to pay the remaining balance.

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What is my ‘Rainy Day’ ?

The ‘Rainy Day’ is not the balance of the account, simply a calculation. The ‘Rainy Day’ is the left over amounts from any bills that have been paid less any extra funds required to top up bills that are over your allocated amounts.

At the end of an agreement the ‘Rainy Day’ amount may equal the amount which will be returned to you only if all bills have been paid on the agreement and there have been no manual transactions on your account.

Throughout the life of your agreement your ‘Rainy Day’ will generally only ever equal the actual balance of the account if all your nominated bills have been paid and there is nothing further to be paid from your SmartBudget account. Here is an example that shows why:

Transaction Allocation amount Account balance Rainy Day transaction  Rainy Day 
Deposit $100   $100    $0
Bill $60 $80 $40 +$20 $20
Bill $50 $40 -$10 -$10 $10
Deposit $100   $90   $10

The Rainy Day is there as a reserve for you to use when your allocation amount is not enough to pay a bill and there is sufficient funds in the Rainy Day to cover the full amount of the difference between the bill amount and the allocation amount.