Injected back into
regional QLD since 2005
All throughout QLD from
Weipa to Kooralbyn
Supporting our Members
and our communities
Queensland Country Good for Good Community Grants is our way of providing a helping hand to community groups across Queensland. We use profits made from our banking business to put back into the community so that the communities that support us, can deliver on projects that support the community. In other words, ‘Good for Good’.
Eligible not-for-profit organisations are invited to apply for funding of between $5,000 and $30,000 to deliver projects that make a practical difference to the lives of people in Queensland communities - projects that help Queenslanders ‘live better’.
We’re looking to support projects that enable people to participate, experience, grow, learn, reach out, connect, make a difference and be safe.
Applications for the 2024 round closed on Monday 2 September 2024.
Queensland Country Good for Good impact on our local communities
2023 Good for Good Community Grant recipients
2023 saw a record number of applicants, making it a tough decision for the selection committee. There were plenty of fantastic projects pitched to us from a variety of locations across Queensland, each unique in its own way.
The committee carefully considered how each applicant's proposed project would support their community to continue to grow and thrive, across each of our five pillars of sport and recreation, health, education, environment, and arts and culture.
We're very pleased to assist these groups and can't wait to see their finished projects!