We are excited to announce that we have significantly reduced fees for Members. 18 fees have been removed altogether and another 4 have been reduced, providing greater value for our Members.
In addition, Queensland Country Bank Members can also now bank free at more than 3,500 Bank@Post outlets Australia wide!

These savings have been passed onto Members as part of our current banking improvements project which includes issuing new cards to Members and changing to our new BSB 654 000. The benefits of these fee reductions for Members include:
• Free replacement cards within Australia
• Free physical security tokens
• Free corporate/bank cheques
• Free stop cheque requests
• Reduced credit card annual fees

In addition to the benefits listed above, business Members can also have cash floats prepared free of charge.
Members can learn more about which fees have been removed, and which have been reduced on our website and in the new Fees and Charges brochure, also available in every branch.